Wednesday 7 December 2011

Tuesday December 6th

I didn’t want to start anything until I had seen the phlebolomist so I went for my blood test at 12:10 and was back home by 12:30. I booted up the P.C and got a warning straight off. Avast anti virus had found a root kit and advised deleting it and running a full system scan before Windows started (Another problem caused by Wayne using my P.C whilst I was away). While it was running I did the dishes, vacuumed the floor, and made a couple of phone calls about my recent change of address. When it had finished scanning I checked my emails and was thinking of going to the Credit Union but didn’t fancy making a special journey into town just for that so I will see if I need anything on Thursday and do it then, otherwise it will be next Tuesday.

I spent the evening catching up online and deliberating about what to eat for supper; I still don’t know what to have except it will be something simple. I shall decide a little later as I’m chatting on Yahoo Messenger with my good friend Deborah from Belfast at the moment. I have to agree that she has a point about not being so conservative in my posts and be more the radical person I am, so, thanks Debs, I’ll do that and hang the Devil.

Thought for the day:
Why do some people look forward and get so excited about Christmas then can’t wait for it to be over every year?

Wednesday December 7th

Nothing planned for the day, no doctor’s, dentist appointments etc, just a few phone calls to make. However, It was a strange day, if I think back to the days when I studied astrology I would say that Mars was negatively aspected as everyone I saw today were having problems, at least two people I know have problems involving violence, one, a female friend I am deeply concerned about as from talking to her seems to be resigned to her fate. She was also depressed and I didn’t need a doctorate in kinesics to figure that out. She has my landline, my mobile, email and messenger address if she has problems. I really hope she doesn’t need to.

Before I have supper tonight I got everything in the fridge so I can make a nice lasagne tomorrow evening. I have a few phone calls to make tomorrow to sort out money I don’t owe, well, that will be my argument and if I’m wrong I will put my hands up and pay those debts but I believe I’m in the right in at least two of the cases.

Things that annoyed me today:
Websites that won’t let you leave when you click back.

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