Tuesday 20 December 2011

Tuesday December 20th

Sorry, I’ve not posted for over a week and I’m not sure why. I honestly didn’t think it had been so long until Dad rang me to get my blog address. I’ll now have to recall what I did over the last week…

Cliff invited me for Christmas dinner and I accepted as though, I have trouble travelling at the moment, I think I can manage a mile, not that it would be nice to accept the invitations from Dad and Miriel in Padstow or with Julie and Ryan in Bristol again. My only responsibility is the bread sauce, 10 minutes, job done; nobody wants my special roast potato recipe. Anyway, I bought a bottle of Cava for us to drink on Christmas Day and if things get a little dull I can always flick mashed potato at Rosie and Emmie for a laugh.

I received a few redirected letters, one from the council threatening legal action if I don’t pay my Council Tax arrears by December 24th, the Amazing debt of £5.42. W@nkers! Waste of public money.

It is now late on the 20th and I’m trying to think of the important or interesting details of the past week or so. Not that there have been that many. The first thing I can think of was paying the bills on the 14th including the aforementioned Council Tax payment, well £5 of it, they can bloody well wait for the rest of it. I’m actually ahead by £1.50 on my TV Licence account and had my E.on gas account wiped out. I am still waiting for the water company to get back to me about the supposed debt I owe and then I can talk to the landlord and get a meter installed. I imagine there letter is in the post or more likely not of a great concern to them until the chinless wonders in their accounts department discover an anomaly on there database. I’m also waiting for the council to confirm my housing benefit award and moreover the dates it will be paid, like the other mail I’m waiting for it is stuck in the Christmas post. I also had to go to Boots to pick up my prescription for Iron and Folic Acid capsules.

I had a nice conversation on IM with Beki, the girl I went out with from November 1988 until February 1990, ( I remember all the important dates.) yesterday, she is close to qualifying as a pharmacist and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her but I honestly don’t think she needs it, she was always as smart as paint and well driven. (Good luck Beki. XXX)

Yesterday, Julie sent me an IM to ask whether I was going to Calella next year. I honestly can’t afford to until at least August if at all. My priority must be my new flat, then my health, primarily my legs, then my gastric problems. I really want to go back to Catalonia next year, Calella firstly then Barcelona and Andorra.

The Landlord’s eejits finally came and cleared the fly tip outside my living room window and proceeded to burn it! There is still some junk out the back and I hope f**king Laurel and Hardy haven’t disturbed the nesting Dunnocks that were at the back. I want to clean the place out come spring and put in a nesting box and a bird table. There are also several magpies nearby so I want to borrow Cliff’s air rifle and irradiate the evil f**kers.

Finally, dad phoned me today and he discussed my present situation based on what he had read on my blog. After that conversation I’m going into town tomorrow to the charity shop to enquire about the unit and wardrobe I’m interested in.

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