Friday 5 September 2008


Quiz 453

4:57pm, that seems to be the magic number or time more correctly. I has been the exact time the last two weeks when I have finished compiling the quiz on Thursday afternoon, leaving me just 33 minutes to get myself together and get down to Kallkwik to get it printed out. Talk about cutting it fine. I was hoping for better than the 4 teams that turned up at The Albert last night, only 14 people in all after John of CJD went home early feeling ill, get well soon John. The aforementioned CJD with now just Carole and Jane prevailed and won with a score of 88pts. The Alliance were second with 80 pts. "Fancy being beaten by a couple of women." As Bob commented. Hahahaha. Third place went to The Flying Otters with 73 points and Drunks Aloud were a single point back with 72pts. As it took all day yesterday to finish the quiz off yesterday, I didn't get anything else done so I'm going to spend the rest of the day playing catch up, starting with a favour for a friend. I know someone who has a business supplying South African foods and other products and i also know the owner of a local delicatessen who is looking for a regular supply of biltong. Finally I'd like say have a great holiday Margaret and Gareth.

Leprechaun's Pot 'O' Gold

Considering how empty the place was last night £18 collected was better than expected. Last night's question was: To two decimal points, what is the melting point of tin in degrees celsius? The answer being 231.93 degrees. The winner of £9 was Carole of CJD (about time too) to jovial shouts of fix from The Alliance corner Hahahaha.

Questions and Answers

Last night's Faces were:

1. Louis Walsh 2. Noel Edmonds 3. Claire Forlani 4. Brad Pitt 5. Kevin Keegan 6. Joe 90 7. Martin Luther King 8. Amy Winehouse 9. Burt Lancaster 10. Sigourney Weaver 11. George Foreman 12. Gordon Ramsey

13. Alexei Sayle 14. Gary Oldman 15. Sarah Palin 16. Beyoncé Knowles 17. Kelly Brook 18. Beth Tweddle 19. Jeri Ryan 20. Elena Dementieva

Three for Fun (Monday's answers)

The eponymous Shakespeare character was King Lear.

Ronald Reagan was president of the trade union SAG representing Screen actors.

According to Margot Asquith, David Lloyd George couldn't see a belt without 'hitting below it.'

Today's questions (answers on Monday)

1. Which literary dynasty has so far produced a record four generations of authors, with nine writers publishing 150 books over a period oe 111 years - the most prolific being Alec and Evelyn respectively?

2. What is the name of the English animal conservationist and painter - a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the founder of the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire?

3.What, in the early and middle twentieth century, were the Camden Town Group and the Euston Road School?

Joke Of The Day:

Got Balls... A man boards an airliner, takes his seat, and is surprised to find a large purple parrot in the seat next to him.

The aircraft takes off and a pretty flight attendant walks down the aisle past the man and his seat mate.

"Hey, bitch, "says the parrot, "bring me a whiskey and soda, and make it snappy!"

The FA looks annoyed, but walks on. A minute later, she walks back up the aisle, and the parrot pipes up again:

"Goddammit, you lazy whore, where's my whiskey? Hurry it up! " Visibly flustered, the FA hurries up the aisle and returns quickly with the parrot's drink.

Impressed with the parrot's technique, the man decides to get some quick service for himself.

"Hey, slut, " says the man, "get me a dry martini. And don't drag your sorry ass - I want it right now! "

The FA turns red with anger and runs to the front of the plane. In a moment she returns with the First Officer and two burly male flight attendants.

The crewmen seize the passenger and the parrot, jerk open the emergency door, and hurl them both out of the airplane at 20, 000 feet.

As the two hurtle out the door, the parrot says to the man, "Ya know, for someone who can't fly, you got a lotta balls."

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