Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wednesday December 21st

I felt rough today and didn’t get much done until mid afternoon. I managed to clean the kitchen before I had to go into town though after checking emails and answering surveys.

Just the one thing to do today and that was to go to the charity shop Sue Ryder Care to look at the furniture I had my eye on. Unfortunately, the wardrobe I was keen on had gone and though there was a nice bookcase I didn’t think it was worth the price for two items plus the £10 delivery charge. There is no immediate rush anyway, I’d rather get Christmas out of the way first and take a deep breath in the New Year and start afresh.

I went to Bond’s after as Lorraine said she would be there to pay me back the money she owed me and after she had to wait almost three hours for her wages she was true to her word even though my legs were really hurting and my guts were not far behind. Like I’ve always said I look after those who have looked after me in the past during the dark days.

Tomorrow, I have no plans apart from depositing the money Lorraine gave me back into my account. As I mentioned before I want Christmas out of the way before I make any more major decisions or purchases.

Annoyance of the day:
Dirty sods who use the gents toilets in pubs without lifting the toilet seat. Disgusting!

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