Friday, 16 December 2011

Monday December 12th

Nothing much happened today, I checked my emails and did a few surveys, but as there was nothing left to clean in the flat I decided to go for a walk into town. I just did a bit of window shopping, no purchases. I popped into Bond’s to meet Steve who had the day off, using one of his holiday days before he loses them. A couple of pints and planning my Christmas dinner then I popped into the Coop to buy an onion and mushrooms for a curry I intend to make tomorrow and some frozen Yorkshire puddings for my Christmas dinner. Okay, I prefer making my own but as I’m on my own and I will only eat two or three, making my own would be less than frugal. I’m going to make my own potatoes though, no compromise there. I have a tried and trusted recipe for roast potatoes that I have used for 12 years. I’ll buy the carrots and swede that I want nearer the time but, though I will be alone I will have a great big pig out. Christmas Dinner has always been the greatest event for me over the years because I get to show off my culinary talents. Just a shame I shall be alone but I’m still looking forward to cooking it.

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