Quiz 402
After the poor showing last Thursday, I decided to completely forget about the quiz until now (Well, last night actually but everything keeps screwing up). Haven't done a bean. Thursday was a particularly frustrating day as my printer ran out of ink and when i spent £10 on a new one, my printer decided to commit Seppuku. I had to get my brother to come down with his printer to get me out of the shit. This coupled with the music tape having to be redone because it was the b-side of the tape that got chewed up about 8 weeks ago put me on a knife's edge. Anyway, going back through the records... The Alliance were the winners on Thursday with 84 points, CJD were second on 80 and the only other team, Day release made up the top three with 79 points.
Questions and Answers
Thursday's pictures were: 1. Big Brother 8 winner Brian Belo 2. Michael Winslow (sound effects comedian from the Police Academy movies) 3. Noddy 4. HRH Prince Charles 5. Newcastle United's Republic of Ireland star Damien Duff 6. Hell's Kitchen Chef Marco Pierre White 7. Darryl Hannah 8. Thandie Newton 9. German Chancellor Angela Merkel 10. Maria Sharapova
Three for Fun (last week's answers)
A Cardial in the Catholic Church would be addressed as 'Your Eminence'?
diacritic marks are accent marks bove or below wods or letters such as cedillas, tildes and circumflexes.
3. The name held by the Treasury solicitor who represents the Crown in matrimonial cases is the Queen's Proctor.
Today's questions (answers next week)
1. For what does the letter P stand in the computer acronym HTTP
2. The Minoan civilisation was based on which Mediterranean island?
3. In Roman Britain, which road ran between Lincoln and Bath?
Joke of the Day
A taxi driver picks up an old man and sets off down the road. After a few hundred yards the fare lent forward and tapped the cabbie on the shoulder to tell him something. Startled, the driver side-swiped a car, mounted the curb, narrowly missed a pedestrian and came to a halt just inches from a shop front. The cab went silent. After a few moments the cabbie said "Please don't ever do that again" trying to catch his breath. Concerned the old man said "I'm sorry, I never thought I would startle you like that." The cabbie said "This is my first day as a taxi driver, this time last week I was driving a hearse."
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