I hope you all had a really good weekend. I usually like to give a progress report on Monday's However I would like to reiterate what I said on Friday. The Albert quiz could be on it's last legs if we do not get more bums-on-seats before the end of the month. I am still awaiting an email with suggestions as to how we can get more people in or why people are staying away. I know getting people in who usually drink in the town centre will be difficult with so many pubs and bars lowering their prices to attract the night club crowd but, someone out their must have a good idea.Come on people! Let's get our heads together.
Three for Fun (Friday's answers)
To be hederated means to be crowned with a wreath of ivy.
The highest fine that magistrates may impose is £5000.
Foucault's Pendulum, The Island of the day before and The Name of the Rose are works by the Italian novelist and scholar Umberto Eco.
Today's questions (answers on Friday)
1. What is the name of the British painter and leading exponent of pop art whose most famous works include the cover design for the Beatles LP Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band?
2. Which rank in the Christian ministry takes its name from the Greek word meaning 'servant'?
3. In medieval England, murage was a tax levied for the upkeep of what?
Joke of the Day
This is one posted on Yahoo answers by 'Honey' I liked it so much I'd thought I'd share it with you all. Thanks Honey.
Pinocchio complains to his father saying “whenever I attempt to make love to a woman, she complains of splinters.
” His father shows pity and gives Pinocchio a piece of sandpaper to smooth his willy down whenever he needs to.
A few days later during dinner his father asks, “How are the girls?” Pinocchio replies “Girls? Who needs girls?”
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