This week's quiz is almost finished. I need two more questions and a picture round and then its complete. The guest round this week is Celebrity Wordmatch, guess the twelve words that finish the first clue word and start the second and one column will spell out the name of a famous celebrity. The twelve words are worth half a point each and the celebrity is worth four points. Clear as mud isn't it. All will become clear on Thursday night. I managed to update the welcome sheets that explain the rules now with Website and Email details and I finally printed out the next load of Picture clues. Hoorah! We have 60 pictures on the two sheets which should last until around the end of November. Today, I plan on getting the final picture round ready for printing, I'm not going to print it out just yet in case I decide to put someone new in before now and Thursday, the same goes for the quiz itself. I may also find the time to get a few music tapes prepared for the forthcoming weeks.
Three for fun (Friday's answers)
UThant, Secretary General of the UN from 1961 to 1971 was Burmese.
The name of the mineral hardness scale on which talc registers 1, and diamond registers 10 is the Mohs scale.
In language, parachronism is an error in dating.
Today,s questions (answers on Friday)
1. What name is given to the six divisions into which England and Wales are divided for legal purposes?
2. What relationship was Princess Margaret to Princess Alexandra?
3. The Three Musketeers, by Alexander Dumas: what were the name of the musketeers?
Joke of the Day:
Best Quote Of 2007? By Chris Rock, comedian 2-28-07
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