I hope you are all enjoying the chilly bank holiday. I'll keep it brief as I have lots to do today. I have compiled about half of this week's quiz, I'm having a bit of a mental block when it comes to certain elements notably the true or false guest round. Anyway, I'll see you all on Thursday quizard_97@yahoo.co.uk if you should wish to contact me before then.
Three for Fun (Friday's answers)
Part of London University, Wye College near Ashford in Kent, specializes in Agriculture.
The name of the famous Kennedy compound on Cape Cod that is their summer retreat is Hyannisport.
The five Ringling brothers - Albert, Otto, Alfred, Charles and John - founded America's most famous Circus.
Today's questions (answers on Friday)
1. What is phrenology the study of?
2. What is a Bourdon gauge used to measure?
3. In which Wagner opera does the hero marry Elsa, on condition that she does not ask his name nor where he comes from?
Joke of the Day

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