We had seven teams at The Albert last night and although one team dropped out fairly early on it was still an enjoyable evening. Maybe the quiz was a little tricky last night, I'm not sure. VCJD were our winners with 90pts, The Alliance (minus slowhand Gareth) were second with 82 and Die Luftwaffe were third a way back on 70pts.
As I said last night next week will be the tenth anniversary of the very first quiz I did (well actually it was August 4th but hey) at the now defunct Dunkey's in Bolebridge Street in Tamworth (it's now the Greek restaurant opposite Weatherpersons and below cloud nine , the lap dancing club whatever one of those is ) Anyway, what I,m attempting to do is get a list of FAQ's from the last ten years together with some funny and bizarre moments and put them in the profile for this time next week. So anything you would like to see in there let before the end of next Thursday's quiz either on the night, a comment on this site an email quizard_97@yahoo.co.uk as always.
I've got a bit of a head start on next week's quiz so I think I shall get a few more picture clues ready for the next sheet which will be in November I think. I usually have around 60 and I have... just checking hang on... 6 ready so a way to go on that one yet. Also, if I get chance, I'll set up the templates for a few quizzes in the future. Oh yes, thanks to all the people who enquired about me stopping smoking and for those who I didn't tell it will be six weeks to the day this Sunday since I had my last cigarette. :D
Questions and Answers
Last night's pictures were: 1. William Roache who plays Ken Barlow in Coronation Street 2. Nicole Kidman 3. Oprah Winrey 4. Cuba's Fidel Castro 5. TV presenter Claudia Winkleman 6. Environment minister Hilary Benn 7. New Open Golf champion Padraig Harrington (grrrr can't put the accent over the first "a") 8. Film director Stanley Kubrick 9. India's cricket captain Rahul Dravid 10. Queen Latifah
Three for Fun (Monday's answers)
The period in history meaning 'New Stone Age' that followed the Mesolithic Period, or Middle Stone Age was the Neolithic period.
Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code is a high-level computer programming language better known by the acronym BASIC
The Jewish festival, celebrated in the month of Nisan, in which unleavened bread traditionally eaten is Passover (Pesach)
Today's questions (answers on Monday)
1. What is the Academy of St Martin's in the Fields?
2. For what does the letter "F" stand in the name of the American writer F Scott Fitzgerald?
3. What type of food is the French dish "clafoutis"?
Joke of the Day
An armless man walked into a bar which is empty except for the bartender.He ordered a drink and when he was served, asked the bartender if he would get the money from his wallet in his pocket, since he has no arms.The bartender obliged him. He then asked if the bartender would tip the glass to his lips.The bartender did this until the man finished his drink. He then asked if the bartender would get a hanky from his pocket and wipe the foam from his lips.The bartender did it and commented it must be very difficult not to have arms and have to ask someone to do nearly everything for him.The man said, "Yes, it is a bit embarrassing at times.By the way, where is your restroom?"The bartender quickly replies -,"The closest one is in the petrol station down the street."
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